Explorati cursurile noastre
Selenium C# Test Automation
14 oreSoapUI for API Testing
14 oreIntroduction to Selenium
7 oreAdvanced Selenium
14 oreSelenium WebDriver in C#
14 oreAdvanced Selenium with C#
14 oreTesting Angular Applications
14 oreSoftware Engineering
35 oreAPI Testing with Postman
21 oreTestComplete
21 oreJBehave: BDD with Java
7 oreTesting React Apps with Jest
14 oreLast Updated:
Mi-au plăcut exercițiile care au ajutat la deschiderea minții și la obținerea de noi perspective în arhitectura software.
Curs - Architecture and Design: Core + Advanced Training
Tradus de catre o masina
Raport bun, Łukasz a avut timp pentru întrebările tuturor și a fost capabil să ajute pe oricine care a avut vreo problemă
Kelly Morris - Titian Software Poland Sp. z o.o.
Curs - Selenium WebDriver in C#
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Furnizat cu nestjs, chiar dacă nu a fost pe ordinea de zi
Suhail - Maldives Pension Administration Office (Pension Office)
Curs - Typescript Unit Testing
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Clasa a fost informativă și ușor de urmărit.
Najeeda Motala - Multichoice
Curs - Advanced C# for Automation Test Engineers
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Metoda de predare
Curs - SoapUI for API Testing
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Formatorul este foarte bine informat asupra subiectului și este capabil să ofere exemple din lumea reală prin experiența sa.
Curs - Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration
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Mi-a plăcut totul, deoarece este ceva nou pentru mine și pot vedea valoarea adăugată pe care o poate aduce muncii mele.
Zareef - BMW South Africa
Curs - Tosca: Model-Based Testing for Complex Systems
Tradus de catre o masina
Trainer knows very well about the teaching materials and the virtual machine given is very helpful.
Curs - Performance engineering/tuning
I liked that I had the chance to exercise.
carmen mocanu - Nanotec Electronic Bulgaria EOOD
Curs - Unit Testing with C#
I liked trainer the most, surely the best i have yet had the pleasure to listen to. Has very big knowlage and experience, created good atmosphere during the training, i've never felt intimidated or scared to speak, had some really good discussions. i really like that we tried to base everything we talked about on our experiences, not only professional but also educational as well as personal experiences. I also liked the amount of methods presented and the fact that we tried to use every single one of them. I also liked that this training was remote, made it a lot easier for people who are worikg a day job to be able to be on time and be active. Thanks for recommendation of the book! I will most definitely try it :).
Bartek Michalak - Politechnika Łódzka
Curs - Design Thinking Fundamentals
Very broad overview of the subject matter that ran through all the prerequisite knowledge in ways appropriate to the course knowledge.
James Hurburgh - Queensland Police Service
Curs - SpecFlow: Implementing BDD for .NET
Real-life examples.
Kristoffer Opdahl - Buypass AS
Curs - Web Security with the OWASP Testing Framework
Subiectele abordate în cadrul formării și cunoștințele formatorului cu privire la aceste subiecte.
Sajid Baloch - Eschbach GmbH
Curs - Microservice Patterns: Migrating from a Monolithic to a Microservice Architecture with .Net
Tradus de catre o masina
I am getting the correct level of understanding I need to assist in my day to day work
Wasfi Adams
Curs - Impacted Function Point (IFP)
The trainer was super engaging and made sure we understand through questioning and affirmations. Even though the content was overwhelming, the trainer broke it down well and made content easily accessible for later reference.
Zaid Amerika
Curs - Unit of Software Measurement Parameterization (UMSP)
Faptul că am învățat o nouă abordare pentru scrierea testelor unitare este partea care mi-a plăcut cel mai mult la acest curs. De asemenea, mi-a plăcut discuția liberă pe care am avut-o, faptul că am dezbătut anumite subiecte, mi-a plăcut munca în echipă pe care am avut-o, ne-a făcut să analizăm dintr-o altă perspectivă cerințele poveștilor de utilizator și am apreciat și intervenția trainerului care ne-a sugerat diferite soluții atunci când eram blocați în luarea unor decizii.
Crina-Maria Rosu - ACCENTURE
Curs - Agile and TDD with C
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Exercițiile au fost frumoase
Vyshnavi Iyappan - Red Embedded Consulting Sp. z o.o.
Curs - Unit Testing with Python
Tradus de catre o masina
the examples the trainer used in each subject which made it easier to understand
huda Alyassi - Dubai Government Human Resources Dept.
Curs - Adobe XD
It was easy to understand and to implement.
Thomas Young - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Curs - Robot Framework: Keyword Driven Acceptance Testing
tools and methods introduced to identify user roles and making scenarios.
Wai Kit Fung - Hospital Authority
Curs - Cucumber.js: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Javascript
Many exercises, which gave a lot of practical skills.
Rafał Borek - Bytamic Solutions sp. z o.o.
Curs - Automation Testing with Cypress
Interaction and communication
Archie Dlamini - Vodacom SA
Curs - JavaScript - Advanced Programming
Amount of hands-on excersises.
Jakub Wąsikowski - riskmethods sp. z o.o
Curs - API Testing with Postman
Practical time was fun.
Pieter Hartzenberg - BMW
Curs - Unit Testing with Javascript
Trainerul a fost foarte amabil și bine informat, mergând în plus pentru a explica lucruri pe care nu le știam.
Felix - Microchip Technology Inc
Curs - Embedded C Application Design Principles for Automotive Professionals
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